Studentin mit Portemonnaie

Financial advice

How do I apply for a student load (BAföG)? What do I have to consider when getting a part-time job? If you have any questions, please contact the support staff at the social and study guidance office.

You’ll find the most important information on funding at the study guidance website.

Advice on funding your studies is also available at:

How much does university cost?
First steps

Student parents

The social services and funding department provides information to student parents on:

  • financial support and claims during pregnancy
  • social benefits for you and your child
  • options and ramifications of an academic leave of absence
  • managing your degree while taking care of a child
  • daycare options
  • foundations supporting parents and parents-to-be
  • questions and conflicts associated with balancing your family life with your academic career
Advice for student parents
Social services

The AStA social services office advises you on all social matters

Students with Health Impairments

Ruhr-Universität strives to facilitate equal-opportunities access to higher education to students with disabilities and health impairments.

The Service Centre for Disabled Students (BZI) at the academic services office (Akademisches Förderungswerk) provides professional and individual advice to RUB students with health impairments regarding university admissions, degree programmes and access arrangements.

RUB services for students with health impairments
Learn more
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