Studieren mit Kind
Kinderfüße auf der Rutsche

Maternity leave and leave of absence

The German Maternity Protection Law (“Mutterschutzgesetz”) has been amended to ensure better protection of expectant student mothers and their children during pregnancy and breastfeeding period; and to prevent any disadvantages or discrimination at university and avoid extensions of studies.

Maternity protection for students

Information regarding maternity leave for students and contacts at RUB are available at the Registrar’s Office (“Studierendensekretariat”) homepage.

Information on maternity leave
Registrar’s Office

Leave of absence

Student parents at RUB have the option to take a leave of absence if they are unable to continue their studies due to pregnancy and an approaching due date and subsequent childcare responsibilities or if they wish to take a sabbatical. The social services and funding department at the Student Advice Centre will provide advice on options and ramifications of an academic leave of absence and on how to plan and manage your degree.

General information on leave of absence
Registrar’s Office
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