Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Bachelor’s degree programs are undergraduate programs, which means that they lead to a first university degree. If you enroll a Bachelor’s degree program at Ruhr University Bochum (RUB), you will study one or two subjects, which you can combine freely for the most part.

Students on the forum square in front of the Audimax
Three students walk across the forum square in front of the Audimax and talk.

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

  • ... are in general designed for six semesters.
  • ... are a professional qualification.
  • ... lead to a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Laws degree – depending on the subject or combination of subjects.
  • ... always have the same workload: Whether one subject or two subjects – a total of 180 credit points (CP) must be earned.

What are Credit Points?

Credit points (CP) are not the same as grades, but they reflect the amount of work required for a unit of study. One CP corresponds to approximately 25 to 30 hours of work, depending on the number of lectures, the amount of subject material, readings and assignments to be completed. In addition to the lectures themselves, it includes preparation and follow-up work. Coursework may also be assessed.

1-Subject Bachelor’s Program

  • the degree programs consist of only one subject and do not require the combination of other subjects.
  • 1-subject degree programs are supplemented by elective courses in which credits are earned in related subjects or other subjects of your choice.

1-Subject Bachelor’s Degree Programs

2-Subject Bachelor’s Program

  • Combined degree program: Two subjects are studied equally. There is therefore no core and accompanying subject, no major and minor subject.
  • Elective courses are integrated into the 2-subject Bachelor’s degree program, which teaches key qualifications such as presentation techniques, IT and language skills – important for later professional life.
  • You must apply for subjects with restricted admission. If both of your chosen subjects are restricted, you must be admitted to both subjects.
  • At the end of your Bachelor’s degree program, you will write a thesis in only one of the two subjects. You will still receive a degree for both subjects you have studied.

2-Subject Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Combining Subjects

You can only combine subjects from 2-subject Bachelor’s degree programs. Almost all subjects in the humanities and social sciences are 2-subject Bachelor’s degree programs and can be continued in consecutive Master’s degree programs.

There are few restrictions on subject combinations: They can be found

Subject Combinations in the Teacher Training Program

If you are aiming for a teaching degree and therefore a Master of Education degree, certain conditions apply to combinations of subjects:

Further Information on the Teacher Training Program

Subject Combinations in the Master’s Phase

Plan ahead for the Master’s phase already:

Not every combination of subjects is available in the Master’s phase. For more detailed information, please contact the student advisory services at the respective faculties.

What’s the Structure of my Degree Program?

We advise you to consult the study regulations, curriculum and module handbook of your chosen degree program. Here, you will find a detailed description of the course structure and content.

Requirements to Study at Ruhr University Bochum

You have graduated from secondary school and would like to continue your studies at university? Go here for detailed information on application and enrollment.

In order to get a place on a course with restricted admission, which grade must be obtained in the university entrance qualification?

Study Programs
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