Career Service

Consulting and coaching at Career Service

With the offers of the Career Service, RUB students and graduates receive specific support for career orientation and a successful career start.

The Career Service advisors provide support from the initial identification of a career goal to specific career matters - on a case-by-case basis for individual concerns, but also, if desired, with comprehensive coaching including strategic career planning all the way to successful career entry.

Tailor-made support

Whether professional future plans are to be sharpened in an exchange or the first steps into professional life are to be planned: Strategic consulting shows practical strategies that can be tried out - "on your own", accompanied by targeted discussions or intensive coaching.

Classic questions in consulting and coaching
  • How do I find a profession/occupational field that suits me well?
  • What values do I want to stand up for in my career?
  • What is particularly important to me in relation to my professional activity?
  • How do I find out where my talents and abilities lie?
  • How do I achieve my career goals based on my qualifications and skills?
  • How can I make my studies more practical in view of my dream job?
  • How do I get started and make contacts in my desired field of activity?

Who can use the advisory and coaching services of the Career Service?

It is recommended that students consider their career goals early on in their studies. The Career Service's advice is therefore open to students at any stage of their studies.

RUB graduates can take advantage of the Career Service's services until about one year after graduation.


You are welcome to send an e-mail to

or contact one of our consultants.

Please briefly describe your request in your e-mail and send us your contact details. We will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange an appointment and, if necessary, clarify any open points in advance.

Welcome to the Career Service
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