Who Provides Advice?
The Service Centre for Disabled Students (BZI) at the academic services office (“Akademisches Förderungswerk”, AKAFÖ) provides professional and individual advice to RUB students with health impairments regarding university admissions, degree programs and access arrangements.
The service center, moreover, houses wheelchair-accessible workstations and technical aids. These workstations are monitored by IT.SERVICES, which also implement access arrangements for exams.
Additional information at the BZI homepage:
Implementation of access arrangements in exams and other services provided by IT.Services:
Further Information for International Students with Disabilities
Another important issue for students with health impairments is the question of funding. Students with disabilities or chronic diseases are generally less likely to support themselves with ease. RUB’s social services and funding department (“Sozial- und Studienfinanzierungsberatung”) provides advice on access arrangement regulations for students receiving student loans (BAFöG), as well as available applications for additional and social benefits.
Additional information and contacts are listed at the funding website and at the pages of the German National Association for Student Affairs (“Deutsches Studierendenwerk”).