Career Service
Eintragung Termin in Kalender

Application Training in English

How do I write a good application? What is special about applying for jobs in Germany?

Contents, goals and methods

In this workshop these and other questions will be discussed so that you and your documents make the best possible impression on the desired employer.

For whom?

  • RUB students and graduates of all disciplines.
  • Members of RUB's Alumni Directory can participate at the same conditions up to one year after exmatriculation.
  • As the subject matter is appropriate, international students and graduates of RUB are particularly welcome to attend.
  • The event will be held in English.

Participation fee: We can offer this seminar free of charge.

When and where?

The next dates will be announced here as soon as possible.

Lecturer and contact for queries


Björn Kirschbaum (Systemic Consultant)

  • Consultant at the Career Service for five years.
  • Studied Media Cultural Studies (M.A.), Cultural Economics (B.A.) and Educational Science (B.A.).

Enquiries to

Registration and conditions of participation

Participation fee: We can offer this seminar free of charge.

To register, please fill out the following form:

* = Pflichtfeld
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Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Doktorhuts
Further offers of the Career Service
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