Prepare for the German job market
Darya Kamkalova bietet ein Webinar zum Thema Gründen für (internationale) Frauen an

Entrepreneurship for Women: Myths, Challenges & How to Start

Have you ever thought about starting your own business but felt unsure where to begin? In this interactive workshop participants will be empowered to understand Entrepreneurship as a great chance to integrate into the German job market.

Entrepreneurship offers limitless opportunities. Learn how to seize them.

Darya Kamkalova


In this interactive workshop,

  • we’ll explore the risks and rewards of launching a business,
  • the impact you can make as an entrepreneur,
  • and the biggest obstacles women face when stepping into entrepreneurship.

We’ll break down popular myths about starting a business and most importantly, discuss how to overcome the hurdles particularly if you are a migrant.If you’ve ever considered starting your own venture (or simply want to know what’s possible), this session is for you.

About the speaker

Darya Kamkalova is the founder of Venturing Women, a platform for female founders, founders-to-be and investors of all genders. She is also an angel investor, podcast host, community builder, speaker and a tech industry professional with 14 years of experience.

Your Chance

Use this save space to connect with your peer students, with women who would like to network and learn about Entrepreneurship in Germany.

Organized by


Digital Career Service for International Students

Supported by


FACE - Female Academic Entrepreneurs

For whom, when and where?

Female and divers Students of RUB and TU Dortmund are welcome to join.

  • Wednesday, February, 26 from 4 to 6 p.m. via zoom.
  • Please register (see below).
  • Participants receive the zoom link two days before the event.
  • The event will be in English.

Information: Please only register if you really can join this event. Darya, Jessica (mycareer@RUB) and Vanessa (WORLDFACTORY) are happy to welcome you!


Please register via the following link:

Go to registration form



Jessica Kalus
Projekt „mycareer@RUB“

The digital career platform #mycareer supports international students integrating in the German job market.

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