Accident Insurance and Reporting Accidents

Students, doctoral candidates and diploma students enrolled at state-recognized universities are covered by statutory accident insurance in accordance with the German Social Security Code. The same applies to participants in preparatory and vacation courses and registered guest students.

Insurance cover is free of charge for students, the costs are covered by the federal states.

The German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) provides detailed information on its website about the cases in which students are insured.

What to do in the event of an accident?

In the event of an accident or commuting accident that is related to your studies and requires medical treatment, report it as soon as possible so that the accident insurance fund can pay for the necessary measures. To do this, complete the accident report form and send it to the Student Financing Office of the Academic Support Office (AKAFÖ). The accident reports will be processed there and forwarded to the Unfallkasse NRW.

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