Career Service
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Application check

The application for the promising job advertisement has been written - but does it give the right impression of you? The Career Service helps with a "portfolio check" and takes a close look at your application.

For an application check, send your documents by e-mail and receive detailed feedback, corrections and suggestions for improvement. Please only send us pdf or docx files! Emails with outdated MS Office files and Office macro files will be rejected by the central server for security reasons. On request, you will receive literature tips on application and selection procedures:

  • Formal and content correction or suggestions for changes: The design and content of your CV and cover letter will be adapted to match the applicant and the job application.
  • Tips on the application photo.
  • Review of attachments, including advice on revising references on request.

Who can use this service?

The Career Service offers portfolio checks for Ruhr University Bochum students and graduates (up to about one year after graduation) free of charge. No advice is given on letters of motivation for Bachelor's or Master's degree programs or similar.

What should my application look like?

For some job offers, you still have to apply in written and printed form and create an application folder. Nowadays it is much more common to apply by e-mail. But here too there are formalities to be observed. Send your complete application documents, including a covering letter and the job application for which you wish to apply, by e-mail to

Application with application folder
Inhalt einer Bewerbungsmappe
Grafik zum Aufbau einer Bewerbungsmappe

Your application folder consists of the following, in the order listed in your CV:

  • A cover sheet with your photo (1)
  • Your curriculum vitae (2)
  • Your references and certificates (3)

The cover letter is not part of the application folder, but is sent at the top of the folder in a suitable envelope.

General checklist
  1. Is the cover letter free of errors?

  2. Do the CV and cover letter bear the current date?

  3. Have the CV and cover letter been signed?

  4. Is your address written on the CV, cover letter and envelope?

  5. Have you added a recent photo to the cover sheet?

  6. Are all enclosed copies clearly legible?

  7. Is the most recent certificate enclosed with the application?

  8. Are the sender and address clearly written?

  9. Is the contact person (if available) stated in the address?

  10. Is the company's address on the cover letter and envelope correct?

  11. Have you sorted all attachments in the correct order?

  12. Is the letter sufficiently stamped?

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