Psychological counseling
Strategie Ziel
Tafel mit schematischer Darstellung einer Strategie, die in Stufen zum Ziel führt.

End of studies coaching

Are you approaching the finish line of your academic journey and feeling uncertain about what lies ahead? Step into our End-of-Studies Coaching Support Group, where we are dedicated to guiding you through this pivotal moment with clarity and confidence.

Connect with Purpose

Engage with fellow students on the brink of graduation, forming bonds grounded in shared experiences and aspirations. Together, we´ll navigate the complexities of transitioning from academia to the professional world.

Personalized Guidance

Receive tailored coaching and mentorship from coach, who is guiding graduates towards fulfilling careers.

Embark on this transformative journey with us as we help you transition from student to professional, ready to seize the opportunities that await beyond the classroom. Join our End-of-Studies Coaching group and let´s chart your path to success!

When and where?

  • Group happens every two weeks;
    is open to join throughout the year

  • Duration: 2 hours
    Time will be decided by participants

  • Language: English

For whom?

If you are writing thesis or you are at your last semester or have one last exam to be done with, last essay, whatever last is there left and you need some support, structure, shoulder to get over with studies – join end of studies coaching

For all international students

It is essential to highlight that our groups embrace an LGBTQ-friendly atmosphere, ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all participants.

Registration and participation

Registering for each workshop is essential, send an email to

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