Weltkarte International Playmobil
Weltkarte mit Playmobilfiguren

Going Abroad

Having a change of surroundings, perfecting a foreign language, cutting the cord, get a new perspective on things: There are a lot of good reasons to spend some time abroad during your time as a student.

Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) supports its cosmopolitan students to turn their backs to it temporarily and gather experiences elsewhere. Because anyone who lives and works abroad for a while learns to make their way in other cultural circles, extends their personal networks, gains competence, and makes contacts that are and will remain valuable for professional life and beyond.

On the International Portal you can get initial information on the various options available to RUB students for shorter or longer stays abroad, funding options, reports on other students' experiences and an overview of exchange programs.

Going Abroad - From Bochum into the world!
Leben aus dem Koffer
Studentin mit Koffer

Whether in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, South, Central or North America; whether via an exchange program, independently or via a scholarship program, you can explore the whole world. A semester or year spent abroad is always worth it, for yourself and your CV!

Going abroad – From Bochum into the world!

International Office

Whether courses, internship, language courses, exchange programs, supported by a grant or self-organized: RUB students will find help from the team Outbound Mobility Services with preparation, organization, and implementation of a stay abroad and questions of financing, recognition, and many more.

International Office

Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Doktorhuts
Offers for Students
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