Hinweisschild Notausgang

What to do in the event of accidents, fires and house alarms

To be prepared helps when seconds count in an emergency. Have you already saved the RUB emergency number in your mobile phone?

In an emergency, emergency services must be on the scene quickly. On RUB campus, therefore, you should call the telephone number of the RUB Control Room.

  • You can reach the RUB Control Room using the telephone number 0049 (0)234 32 23333
    (from RUB internal connections use 23333)
    The RUB Control Room is staffed around the clock every day.

On campus, the RUB Control Room staff sets the rescue chain in motion:

At the beginning of the call the location and brief information about the incident are requested. Then the RUB Control Room connects you with the fire department, rescue service or the police – depending on the emergency

Finally, the RUB Control Room staff ensures that the emergency services get to the scene as quickly as possible. Depending on the emergency, it also sends RUB company paramedics to the scene.

What to do in case of accidents on campus

  1. Keep calm
  2. On RUB campus: Report the accident to the RUB Control Room on 0049 (0)234 32 23333
    This will ensure that the emergency services and/or company paramedics get to the scene as quickly as possible.
  3. Secure the scene of the accident.
  4. Provide first aid as far as possible.
  5. Important: Ask other people for help.

Rules of conduct in the event of accidents are described in the RUB fire safety regulations. These are displayed in the buildings.

The current document can be found in German and English on the RUB fire safety website (German website). Please scroll down to „Die Brandschutzordnung der RUB“ and then select „Brandschutzordnung - Teil A (Deutsch/Englisch)"

Note: This page can only be accessed from the RUB campus network.

Questions when reporting an accident

You will be asked the following questions by the RUB Control Room or the rescue service:

  • Where is the injured person located? (Building, floor, room)
  • What has happened? (Type of accident / injury)
  • How many people are affected/injured?
  • Who is reporting the accident? (Name, telephone number)

Do not hang up, make sure you stay on the line after giving this information and wait for any further questions!

Defibrillator at Ruhr University Bochum

There are several automatic external defibrillators (so-called lay defibrillators) on RUB campus that you can use if you find a lifeless person without a pulse or breathing.

The RUB Control Room (telephone number 0049 (0)234 32 23333) will inform you about the locations of the nearest lay defibrillator on Campus when you report the accident.

All defibrillator locations (including external sites) can also be found on the website Defibrillators of the Ruhr-Universität
Note: Website in German, the page can only be accessed from the RUB campus network)

Defibrillator an der Wand in einem RUB-Gebäude, gekennzeichnet mit einem Icon, das Weiß auf Grün ein Herz mit einem Blitz-Symbol zeigt.

What to do if you detect a fire

  1. Keep calm
  2. Activate the fire alarm or call the RUB Control Room (0049 (0)234 32 23333)
    This will ensure that emergency services and/or RUB company paramedics arrive at the scene as quickly as possible.
  3. If possible, attempt to extinguish the fireand fight incipient and small fires with fire extinguishers and/or fire blankets. The locations are marked on escape and rescue plans in corridors and elevator lobbies.
  4. Get to safety and follow the rules at What to do in the event of a building alarm
  5. Take injured persons or persons requiring assistance out of the danger zone and to safety, warn endangered persons.

Rules of conduct in the event of a fire are described in the RUB fire safety regulations. These are displayed in the buildings.

The current document can be found in German and English on the RUB fire safety website (German Website). Please scroll down to „Die Brandschutzordnung der RUB“ and then select Hochschulspezifische Ergänzungen → Die Brandschutzordnung der RUBBrandschutzordnung - Teil A (Deutsch/Englisch)).
Note: The page can only be accessed from the RUB campus network.

Questions when reporting a fire

There are smoke detectors in the buildings, which will trigger an automatic alarm signal.

If you are reporting a fire, you will be asked the following questions by the RUB Control Room or the rescue service:

  • Where is the fire? (Building, floor, room)
  • What is on fire? (Type, extent of the fire)
  • How many people are in danger? (number of injured persons)
  • Who is reporting? (Name, telephone number)

Do not hang up, stay on the line after giving this information and wait for any further questions!

Schalter für Hausalarm (blau) und Feueralarm (rot) in einem RUB-Gebäude
Brandschutzordnung an der Wand in einem Gebäude der RUB.
Wandhydrant, Feuerlöscher und Alarmknopf an einer Wand in einem Gebäude der RUB

What to do in the event of a fire alarm

Many RUB buildings are equipped with automatic fire alarms (signal tone or voice alarm). When the alarm sounds, all persons must leave the building immediately.

  • Warn people who may have overheard the fire alarm.
  • Turn off running machines, appliances, gases, compressed air and laboratory electricity, unless there is an immediate danger.
  • Close doors and windows when leaving the rooms, but do not lock them.
  • Take your personal belongings such as ID cards, clothing, bags, money and keys with you if they are in your immediate vicinity.
  • Leave the building via the signposted escape routes.
  • Do not use elevators under any circumstances!
  • Help people who cannot leave the building on their own. Notify the emergency services if people are unable to leave the building on their own.
  • Go to the assembly point indicated for your building (see below).
  • Follow the instructions of the RUB‘s Head of Technical Readiness (Leiter der Technischen Bereitschaft, LTB) and the firefighters.
Assembly points for fire alarms

Go to the assembly point for the respective building so that it can be reliably checked whether all persons have been able to leave the building and are safe.

A list of all assembly points and a campus map on which they are marked can be found in German and English on the RUB fire safety website (german website), under Hochschulspezifische Ergänzungen → Räumung → Sammelplätze bei Hausalarm und Campusplan mit Sammelplätzen).
Note: The page can only be accessed from the RUB campus network.

Signposting of an assembly point on the RUB campus. The icon shows four people in white on green, with four arrows pointing to them.
Assembly points allow those responsible to check that everyone is safe. Therefore, go to the according assembly point and do not leave it without signing out.
Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Doktorhuts
Notes on dealing with emergencies
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