Hand hält Handy, darauf zu sehen der Kontakt RUB Leitwarte Notfall

For emergencies on campus:
Save the telephone number of the RUB Control Room

In an emergency, first call the RUB Control Room on (0049) 234 32 23333

This will set the rescue chain in motion and ensures that help and rescue services reach the scene as quickly as possible. The RUB Control Room is staffed around the clock every day. More on the page What to do in the event of accidents, fires and house alarms.

For RUB locations that are not on campus

The RUB Control Room is the first point of contact for emergencies on RUB campus, as emergency and rescue services need to be advised on how to get to the place of the incident as soon as possible.

If you are regularly at aRUB location off campus, please contact the relevant emergency number - this is probably 110 (police) or 112 (fire department and rescue service).

Notes on dealing with emergencies

In order to act quickly and correctly in an emergency, it is important to familiarize yourself with important information in advance.

Find out about emergency exits, escape and rescue routes in the buildings in which you regularly work. You should also be familiar with fire doors and traffic routes.

To be prepared helps when seconds count in an emergency. Find out about the rescue chain on RUB campus, what to do in the event of a fire alarm, accidents and fires, and the locations of the defibrillators and assembly points.

Further information

Video regarding safety on campus - rules and information at a glance

This video from the Occupational Safety Unit lasts around 15 minutes and covers the most important tips for dealing with emergencies.

Video Safety on campus - rules and information at a glance

RUB Emergency Manual

The detailed RUB Emergency Manual for all RUB members describes emergency scenarios of all kinds and provides recommendations for action.

To the Emergency Manual

To download the emergency manual, you must enter your RUB login ID (= „Benutzername“) and password (= „Kennwort“). Updated version as of Spring 2025.

RUB Emergency Website

In the event of a major emergency or incident at RUB, information will be provided on the RUB Emergency Website. Links to additional information, e.g. in the event of medical emergencies or accidents at RUB are also included in this website.

To the Emergency Website

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