International Office

Student loans

Some German organizations offer loans specifically to finance your studies. These must be repaid in full and plus interest after graduation.

Student loans can also be used by international students under certain conditions. In some cases, it is possible to take out a student loan in your home country. You can search for information on this independently on the Internet.

Student loan from KfW Bank

KfW Bank offers long-term student loans on favourable terms. International students may be able to apply for a student loan in Germany under the following conditions:

  • Family members of German citizens residing in Germany
  • EU citizens who have been legally residing permanently in Germany for at least three years or family members of such EU citizens residing in Germany
  • so-called foreign students (students with non-German citizenship who have obtained their university entrance qualification in Germany or at a German school abroad)

More information about the KfW loan!

KfW Bank education loan

Beim Bildungskredit handelt es sich um ein Kreditprogramm der Bundesregierung, das Studierenden in fortgeschritteneren Phasen des Studiums eine kurzfristige und zusätzliche Finanzierung ermöglicht.
Internationale Studierende können einen Bildungskredit unter folgenden Voraussetzungen erhalten:

  • wenn Sie zum Zeitpunkt der Antragstellung mit einer Person mit deutscher Staatsbürgerschaft verheiratet sind
  • wenn mind. ein Elternteil von Ihnen Deutsche:r oder EU-Bürger:in mit Daueraufenthaltsrecht ist
  • wenn Sie eine Niederlassungserlaubnis besitzen

Erfahren Sie mehr!

Daka loan

The Darlehenskasse der Studierendenwerke e. V. (Daka) provides financial support to students through an interest-free student loan.

The requirements for a loan are that you

  • are enrolled at a university in NRW
  • pay the social contribution
  • can provide a guarantee by a person living in Germany

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Other financing options

Studieninteressierte bei der Beratung

Here you will find information on the topic of financing your studies with BAföG.

Studierende kauft etwas im Unishop

How do I find a part-time job? What do I have to keep in mind? You can find out here.

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