Structure of Sport and Exercise Sciences

The master's programme Sport and Exercise Sciences for Health and Performance is a fully modulated four terms programme in two years that requires regular attendance. The full course of study covers 120 Credit Points.

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Description of Modules

Module 1

Biomechanics & Motor Control deals with the structure and function of the human musculoskeletal system and how human locomotion is controlled.

Module 2

Exercise Science covers all aspects related to the improvement of athletic performance and provides the relevant methods and methodologies for the assessment of performance. These also include psychometric instruments and research tools used in Exercise and Sport Psychology.

Module 3

Sports Medicine and Sports Nutrition addresses the biological responses to the stress of sport and physical activity, how the human body adapts to repeated bouts of physical activity over time and the study and practice of nutrition and diet, all with regard to improving performance and health in elite and recreational athletes as well as the general population.

Module 4

Lab & Field Studies introduce students to the field of experimental sport science and to the scientific community.

Module 5

Research Training addresses a wide range of scientific skills including study design, data processing and analysis, statistics and ethics complemented by social skills as tutoring, communication and presenting.

Module 6

Master Thesis and Scientific Writing involve the planning, conduction and analysis of an individual research study and the preparation of a written master thesis.

What is the content of the course?
Module manual
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