After Graduation

Have you completed your studies at Ruhr University Bochum (RUB)? With your degree, you can climb the career ladder – or (continue to) take off at RUB.

Absolventen vor dem Audimax
Absolventen stehen auf dem Forum vor dem Audimax und werfen Hüte in die Luft.

Contact Points for Graduates

The services include individual consultancy, portfolio reviews, job interview simulations, seminars and events, as well information on all matters regarding job application and career.

Regularly, workshops for (potential) founders take place at the premises of the WORLDFACTORY.

Alumni auf dem Campus

Your degree is completed, your exchange semester is drawing to a close; there comes a time when your RUB era is over – or is it? In order to keep in touch with Ruhr University Bochum and the old friends there, everyone who studied at RUB has the option to become a member of the Alumni Network.

Career Start for International Students and Graduates
Job Portal "stellenwerk" for Students and Graduates
Job Portal
Career Training and Further Education

Even after graduation, RUB remains the port of call for executives and skilled personnel in enterprises, municipalities, organizations, and educational institutions:

Studierende sitzen in einem Hörsaal.
Attending Lectures: Guest Auditors at RUB
Guest auditors
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