Studierendensekretariat / Immatrikulation
Please note

The status “guest auditor” does not apply if you wish to enrol as a regular student/ as an exchange student. It only refers to people who are interested in specific classes or lectures and do not wish to obtain any credits or degrees.

Guest auditors

You would like to attend individual courses without earning any credits? In this case, a guest auditor programme at RUB might be just the right thing for you.

No university entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur) is required to become a guest auditor at Ruhr-Universität. However, before you can attend courses as a guest auditor, you will need to ask the respective lecturer whether it is possible for you to attend their course. As a rule, regular students have priority when places are allocated in the respective courses.

How to become a guest auditor?

Request consent and submit an online application

Before submitting your application, please obtain the consent of the lecturers whose courses you’d like to attend.

You will find the email addresses of the lecturers in the course catalog under the respective courses. This consent form primarily serves as confirmation for you that the lecturers have no objections to your attendance. You don’t have to submit this consent form when submitting your application.

Please note that the guest auditor fee won’t be refunded if the lecturers don’t agree to your attendance at their courses.

Enrol online

After you have obtained consent, you can easily apply for enrolment as a guest auditor online. To do so, please have a scan of the front and back of your ID card and a current photo ready. Please note the respective deadlines for the winter or summer semester.

Guest auditors don’t enrol in a specific subject, but rather a discipline or at a faculty. This is why the information provided by the Registrar’s Office on the subject may be specific or general.


Guest auditor fee

The guest auditor fee amounting to 100 euros must be transferred after your enrolment has been confirmed. You will receive the account details and the reference for the first transfer by email.

If you wish to remain enrolled as a guest auditor for longer than one semester and wish to re-register for future semesters, please transfer the guest auditor fee to the following account within the respective re-registration deadlines:

  • Recipient: Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    IBAN: DE47 4305 0001 0001 4958 60
    Reference: Last name, first name and registration number
Please note

  • Re-registration for a new semester is completed by paying the guest auditor fee on time.
  • It is not possible to obtain credit for a degree course that you might pursue at a later point. You won’t be able to acquire any records of achievement, either.
  • Guest auditors are not permitted to attend courses in medicine or dentistry.
  • Being a guest auditor in language courses is subject to certain requirements and participation cannot be guaranteed. If you have any questions about admission to a language course, please contact the Center for Foreign Language Training.
  • Guest auditors don’t pay a social contribution and therefore don’t receive a semester ticket for public transport.
  • Admission to the respective courses is the sole responsibility of the respective lecturers.
  • As guest auditors don’t qualify as regular students, they don’t have the option of student health insurance.
Application, admission, enrolment
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