Studierende lernen
Studierende lernen gemeinsam.

Learning Rooms

Several learning rooms are available for students in order to prepare for exams, to write term papers or participate in online classes.

The locations of the learning venues can be found on the campus map of Ruhr University Bochum (RUB):

Campus Map

Furthermore, the Campus Service contact points also help you to find your way around Ruhr University Bochum:

Campus Service: Contact Points & Services

Study Places in the Libraries

Study places in the University Library (UB) and in the network libraries in the building IB are available for students to write their thesis or for general exam preparation.

Registration for study places is only possible online. Further information can be found on the website of the University Library:

University Library

Workstations for barrier-free working

In the University Library (UB) there are also workstations with height-adjustable tables and/or special equipment for barrier-free working.

Further information can be found on the UB website.

Study Gallery in the Mensa Building

Students can use the Mensa Empore Nord-Ost from Monday to Thursday from 3-5 p.m. as a place to study

Inclusive Study Spaces

For students with physical impairments, there are various study places on the campus of Ruhr University Bochum that can be adapted to suit their needs.

PC Pools in the Buildings IA, BIZ and UB

In the building IA, there are nine stationary computers in room 105/109 on floor 00. In addition, there are computer rooms for students with disabilities in the Advisory Centre for the Inclusion of Disabled Students (Beratungs­zentrum zur Inklusion Behinderter, BZI) and in the University Library.

The BZI will be happy to provide you with more information.


Some study places can be adapted electrically and with mechanical swivel arms to suit physical needs, plus there are document reading camera systems, large print study places, OCR scanners and Braille displays.

Learning Space in Dortmund

The TU-Dortmund learning space is also open for students at the Ruhr-Universität. The City Learning Space is located in the former telecommunications office, also known as "Telekom building", at the end of the pedestrian zone “Westenhellweg”, in the immediate vicinity of the U-Tower (“Dortmunder U”).

The Learning Space is on the second floor and the visiting address is Westenhellweg 127. There are two elevators, so the space is accessible for wheelchair users. The subway station “Westentor”, where lines U43 and U44 stop, is in the immediate vicinity. Dortmund Main Station is also only about 600 meters away and can be reached in around 10 minutes by foot.

Writing Café: Open Space to Learn, Read & Write

In the writing café (Schreibcafé) on the ground floor of the University Library (Universitätsbibliothek; UB), students can work on their own writing projects in a relaxed and collaborative atmosphere. Support is provided by the writing tutors of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (Zentrum für Wissenschaftsdidaktik, ZfW).

To the website of the writing café

Further Study Places
Entspannen auf dem Campus
Studentin liest auf einer Herbstwiese auf dem RUB-Campus

The campus of Ruhr University Bochum offers many more places to read and study:

  • In the summer months, the lawn in front of the G-buildings invites you to lie in the sun while doing something for the university.
  • In the Kulturcafé, you can write in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Students can also meet in study groups in the numerous cafeterias on campus and fortify themselves with coffee and snacks on site.
Learning and Teaching Resources at Ruhr University Bochum
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