- your personal data (name, date of birth)
- your registration/student number
- the degree program(s) you are enrolled in
- the semester in which you are currently enrolled
- the number of semesters you have studied in total at higher education institutions
With a valid certificate of enrollment (“Studienbescheinigung”/”Immatrikulationsbescheinigung”) students can prove that they are duly enrolled at Ruhr University Bochum (RUB).
Most students have to present their valid certificate of enrolment every semester to various offices, such as the Bafög office, their employer or their health insurance company.
The certificate of enrolment is machine-generated, there are no signatures or stamps. Your certificate of enrolment for the current semester is available on eCampus as soon as you have paid your social insurance contribution in full and the Registrar’s Office has re-registered you.
You can print out certificates of enrolment from eCampus for each semester you have studied at RUB. Together, they are sometimes accepted as an academic progress certificate, which you would otherwise have to apply for at the Registrar’s Office or the UV Infopoint