Studierendensekretariat / Immatrikulation

Doctorate (PhD)

Are you aiming for a doctorate? Ruhr University Bochum offers doctoral candidates comprehensive supervision and support with the campus-wide Research School and five international graduate schools.

In order to enroll in a doctoral program at the Ruhr-Universität, you generally need a degree (e.g. a master's, diploma, magister, or state examination in medicine or law) as well as a supervisor for your doctorate.

The doctoral regulations (Promotionsordnung) of the faculties describe the doctoral procedure and provide information on admission to the desired doctoral program. You can find doctoral regulations on the faculties' websites or request them from the relevant academic advisory service.

Enrolment for a doctorate

All doctoral candidates at RUB must be enrolled. Before you enroll or re-enroll as a doctoral candidate, the dean's office of the respective faculty must certify that you have been accepted for a doctorate. You must show/upload this certificate when you apply for enrollment.

Information on the documents required for enrollment as a doctoral candidate can be found below on this website.

If you change your place of study within Germany, de-register at your previous German university before you enroll at RUB.

Step by step: enrolment in the doctorate

  1. Enter your data within the enrolment period in the online enrolment.

    Each online enrolment session is valid for 60 minutes. You should therefore have the necessary documents ready. Further information on the required documents can be found further down on this website.

    Online Enrollment

  2. After receiving the confirmation email, please upload your documents to the information portal enrolment– You can find basic information about the documents further down on this page. After uploading the required documents please release your enrolment, otherwise we will not be able to process your application.

    Information Portal Enrollment

  3. It can take several weeks to process your application. Pay close attention to the status of processing by using the information portal enrolment, because if documents are missing, you will be informed via the portal and via email.
  4. After we have registered you, you will receive an email with the most important information about paying the social security contribution, using the RUB online services and how to proceed.
  5. Register in the Research School database

Documents required for enrolment

During the enrolment process, you will be asked to upload several documents:

  • your high school diploma/university entrance qualification (Abitur, high school certificate, school leaving certificate.) Even if you already have one or more degrees, we still need proof of your first university entrance qualification for enrolment.
  • your passport / ID-Card
  • in case you have studied in Germany before: de-registration certificates from all your prior German universities ("Exmatrikulationsbescheinigung")
  • degree certificates/university diplomas (Bachelor / Master / Diploma / Staatsexamen)
  • "Annahme zur Promotion" und "Betreuungsvereinbarung" : Acceptance for a doctorate by the faculty (Dean´s Office) or the doctoral committee and supervision agreement
  • a picture (passport format) for your student ID card

Registration at the Research School

All RUB doctoral students must register at the Research School after enrolment. You can find more information on this topic here.

Important information about health insurance

As a person registered exclusively for a doctorate/phD, you are not subject to compulsory student insurance. You therefore do not have to report your health insurance status to the university.

Exception: You are enrolled in a regular course of study (e.g. Bachelor/Master/state examination) parallel to your doctorate. In this case, a digital notification of your insurance status must be sent to the university by your health insurance company (or by a statutory health insurance company in the case of private insurance). Please contact your health insurance company for advice.

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