Information on Studying at RUB

On this page, prospective students can find all the information they need about Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) and the study programs, get tips on study orientation and insights into student life.

Which Study Programs Can I Choose at RUB?

Which subjects and combinations of subjects are available for study at RUB? Comprehensive information for prospective students at a glance.

How long will it take to complete my Bachelor's degree? Which degree programs can build on each other? Learn more about the advantages and the structure of RUB degree courses.

What Do I Want to Study?

What are my skills and talents? What are my goals and career aspirations? Online tools for choosing a course of study help with initial orientation. Advisors of Ruhr University Bochum can help if questions or problems arise.

Welches Studienfach ist das richtige für mich? Um diese Frage gut zu durchdenken und passend für sich zu entscheiden, gibt es viele Angebote und Impulse.

Can I attend a lecture just like that? How can I pay my way through university? How can I apply? At Ruhr University Bochum, you will find guidance and contacts for all questions relevant to school leavers and prospective students.

Current Online Events and Offers for Study Orientation

In German Language:

  • Online-Kurs – Wie finde ich das passende Studium?
    Dieses Online-Angebot unterstützt dabei, den richtigen Studiengang selbst zu erarbeiten.
  • Abi – und dann?!
    Bei diesem Workshop erarbeiten alle Teilnehmenden an der Frage, ob und welches Fach sie studieren wollen.
  • RUB-Guides
    Fragen zum Studium? Am besten Studierende direkt fragen. RUB-Guides geben Orientierungshilfe und ein persönliches Bild von ihrem Studium.
Where Can I Get the Best Picture of RUB?

We invite you to follow us on social media or read RUB's latest news on our news portal:

Video Insight: A Day at RUB

Timelapse: Ein Tag an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum

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How Do I Get into RUB?

When you have decided to study at RUB, you can enrol for degree courses without admission restrictions or apply for a place on a degree course with admission restrictions.

We explain how to do this and what requirements you need to meet to study on our application pages.

Application, Admission, Enrollment
All information
Weltkarte mit bunten Fähnchen
Information for International Prospective Students
International Portal

How Do I Finance my Studies?

Financing is an important topic for students. Find out more about students' expenses, financing options and learn more on our pages on financing your studies.

Rent, costs of living, social insurance contribution – how much money do students spend in total?

Studying in a relaxed way is only possible if the financing of your studies is secure. We show you various options for financing your studies in Germany.

What about Student Life?

Studieren an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum

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Starting at Ruhr University Bochum
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