Registrar’s Office / Enrolment Office
Please note

The status „visiting student" (Zweithörende) does not apply if you wish to enrol

It only refers to people who are already enrolled regularly at a German university and wish to obtain certain credits or another degree at RUB.

Visiting students

Students registered at other universities can attend courses and take exams at RUB as visiting students. You can enrol for the same subject you are studying at your primary university or you can enrol for a different subject.

Greenlit by both universities?

Your primary university resp. the examination office that will issue your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree certificate should always approve the subject combination of your degree programme in writing.

Please make sure to check whether certain requirements regarding modules, credits and credit points have to be fulfilled in order for the achievements at your other university to be credited.

RUB has only one binding regulation for visiting students and for the recognition of modules, namely the so-called „Spagat-Studium“ („split studies“) for teacher training, conducted in collaboration with TU Dortmund University.

Degree programmes with no admission restrictions:
Enrolment as visiting students

You can apply for admission to non-restricted degree programmes at the Registrar’s Office within the deadlines for the respective semester.


As a rule, you must enrol at both universities by the respective deadlines. RUB has general deadlines for enrolment in subjects with no admission restrictions. For subjects with restricted admission, individual deadlines will be stated in your notification of admission

Degree programmes with restricted admission:
Enrolment as visiting students

For degree programmes/subjects with restricted admission, you must submit an application if you wish to become a visiting student at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. You won’t be asked about your student status during the application process. If you are admitted, please state your desired student status when you enrol. Please note that not every degree programme/subject allows for a visiting student status at RUB.

It is mandatory to obtain an admission to degree programmes/subjects with restricted admission, regardless of the intended student status. Therefore, it is important to observe the admission restrictions in first or higher subject semesters: If you are already enrolled in a higher semester of study in the same or a comparable subject, you can apply for placement in a higher subject semester as visiting student at RUB. Please note: if you wish to enrol in a higher semester, restricted admission might still apply.

You must apply for admission to subjects with restricted admission.

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At RUB, there is no visiting student fee and you don’t pay a social contribution, because you pay this at your primary university. This means that you won’t receive a semester ticket for Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr from RUB.

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Visiting students attending only individual courses and exams

Visiting students who wish to take an exam at RUB must apply for admission to the Registrar’s Office via the online enrolment form.

Alternatively, it is also possible to submit the transcript of records from your primary university to the relevant academic advisory office at RUB. If they recognise your credits, they will place you in a higher semester.

Each semester: Re-registration of Visiting Students

As long as you intend to continue your studies at RUB, you must re-register as a visiting student every semester during the re-registration period at the Registrar's Office. If you fail to do so, you will be removed from the list of visiting students without prior warning.

In order to re-register, please submit to following to

  • your current certificate of enrolment (for the following semester) from your primary university
  • your most recent certificate of enrolment as visiting student issued by RUB
From visiting student to regular student: How to transfer

If you are already enrolled as a visiting student at RUB but would like to become a regular student, you must exmatriculate at your primary university and re-enrol at RUB.

You do not have to reapply if you are already enrolled as a visiting student in a degree programme with restricted admission at Ruhr-Universität: You will keep your place at the university, and the admission for visiting student status will remain valid for the transfer to regular student status. In the subjects for which you are enrolled as a visiting student, you will remain in your current semester and your credits will remain valid.

To apply for a transfer to regular student status, please enrol online. Follow the link below to read how.

Please note: When enrolling online, reply "No" to the first question, namely “Studieren Sie bereits an der RUB und möchten lediglich eine Studiengangsänderung bzw. Studiengangsergänzung beantragen?” (“Are you already studying at RUB and only wish to transfer to another programme or to add another programme?”); this would merely effect a change of your subject, not your status. But as your student status at RUB is changing, the process is a completely new enrolment and not merely a change within your old student status.

In the next step, upload the required documents (such as exmatriculation certificate, insurance certificate, etc.) in the enrolment information portal. In addition to the standard documents, please also upload a certificate of enrolment from RUB so that it is immediately clear that you are applying for a change of status.

As you will also receive a new matriculation number for regular students, please contact the eCampus-Support-Team as soon as possible after enrolment so that the modules you have completed so far can be credited to your new matriculation number.

Visiting students from TU Dortmund University and the University of Duisburg-Essen

Students from the universities of the University Alliance Ruhr (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen) may easily attend individual courses and take exams at the partner universities.

All that is required is the consent of the faculties and registration with the relevant examination office:

Submit your completed application for admission to courses/exams at any UA Ruhr university (Antrag auf Zulassung zu Lehrveranstaltungen/Prüfungen im Rahmen der UA Ruhr) to the examination office of the respective faculty of your choice and have it signed and stamped. Together with the application, submit a certificate of study from your primary university.

Examination results will be transferred ex officio to the respective primary university.

Application, admission, enrolment
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