Studierende lernen
Studierende lernen gemeinsam.

Learning and exam preparation during your studies

Students can find a wide range of support services at RUB. If you have the feeling that you are still lacking the right strategies and methods to cope well with the learning material and examinations during your studies, you can expand your repertoire with the help of the following offers. Offers in English language can be found at the bottom of the page.


Easy learning - overcoming frustration in a structured and motivated way.

  • In this workshop, you will receive impulses through professional input on learning strategies and the exchange of experiences with other students, which will help you to recognize personal obstacles in learning and to develop individual learning strategies for your learning.
    → To the workshop

Digital learning time - a new learning method in 45 minutes.

  • The digital event series offers you the opportunity to get to know and try out new learning methods and thus ensure more motivation when learning.
    → To the series of events

Organization and self-management

Get your things done - organizing your studies together.

  • In this workshop, you will take a look at your time planning, learn to set priorities and set goals for your different areas of life so that you can go through your studies in a well-structured way.
    → To the workshop


  • In this semester-accompanying group, you will find solutions and impulses to break through procrastination and take small steps towards action.
    → To the group

Exam preparation

Exam coaching

  • Overcome exam anxiety effectively! In an interactive coaching session, you will learn strategies to overcome stage fright and stress.
    → To the coaching

Final spurt

  • The end-of-studies coaching is aimed at RUB students who are in the higher semester or in the final phase of their studies and want to change their study situation. The coaching invites you to look for solutions despite difficulties.
    → To the coaching

Offers in English language

Procrastination Group

  • Join our Student Procrastination Group, where we embrace the struggle of procrastination and work together to overcome it.
    → Learn more

Fear of speaking exams

  • Practical strategies and a supportive community to overcome anxiety, excel in presentations, and unlock your full speaking potential.
    → Learn more

Exam support

  • Conquer exam season with confidence, camaraderie, and effective study strategies. Navigate the challenges of exams alongside like-minded peers and experienced mentors.
    → Learn more

End of studies coaching

  • Are you approaching the finish line of your academic journey and feeling uncertain about what lies ahead? We are dedicated to guiding you through this pivotal moment.
    → Learn more

Further central offers around the topic of learning

Learning locations

Here you can learn and take part in online events.

Learning group finder

If you don't feel like learning alone, you can use the LEARN2Gether learning group finder to search for groups and join or set up your own group.

Learning coaching

For advice and coaching on the subject of learning, please contact


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