Study / During Studies

Studying at Ruhr University Bochum

All information about studying and student life: study organization, learning aids, advice, support and contact points, interdisciplinary courses, workshops and coaching, internationalization of studies, but also study financing and housing, leisure, sport, culture and commitment, mobility or discounts.

Studierende lernen gemeinsam.
Learning and exam preparation during your studies
All Services

All about your studies

Studierende auf dem RUB-Campus

Ruhr University Bochum offers its students plenty of opportunities to develop their skills and broaden their horizons beyond their curricula: study-related offers to sharpen their profile, workshops and advice at every stage of their studies, funding and scholarships.

Von der Änderungsmeldung bis zum Urlaubssemester: Das Studierendensekretariat ist erste Anlaufstelle für die fachübergreifende organisatorische Studiumsverwaltung. Viele Services der Studienorganisation können bequem über eCampus erledigt werden.

Throughout their studies, students are given access to study aids and courses. Interdisciplinary courses and central competence centers complement their professional education.


Wo kann ich mich beraten lassen?
Alle Angebote

Alongside your studies

University life is more than studying: the campus is waiting to be discovered, the Ruhr area to be conquered. A wealth of leisure activities awaits RUB students in their new city.

At RUB, you’ll get advice on questions regarding funding, services for student parents, and studying with health impairments.

Studying for Advanced Students

You will find a clear list of all Master's degree programs offered at Ruhr University Bochum in the study program overview.

Have you already completed a degree abroad, do not have German citizenship and would like to study a Master's degree at Ruhr University Bochum? Learn about the requirements and the application process.

Looking Ahead

Beratung beim Careerservice

The RUB Career Service team is the central advice center for questions regarding career orientation and planning for all students.

Gründerprojekt Woldfactory

Regularly, workshops for (potential) founders take place at the premises of the WORLDFACTORY.

For Pupils & Prospective Students
Information & Offers
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